Monday, July 6, 2009

G: Greg's latest work

The Recusant Artist, Greg Vandevisser, sent me his latest work. I think it is worth noting. This is a significant departure from his past work and is very complex. It has many layers and lots of symbols and gestures. As he said to me in his note "I have a lot going on , but at least I'm painting." This is some big-time painting and he does indeed have a lot going on.

He puts me to shame, but inspires me to get going on something significant.

F: F-it

F-it, I'm going to G because I want to.

E: Ernie (Perich)

A couple of months ago, I came across Ernie Perich's blog Adverspew. I usually get lost after reading his lists in his extensive links section. Ernie seems a little cranky, which makes him very real for me. I would like to work with Ernie because I perceive that he likes to discuss using the word "bullshit" and throws writing implements through the drywall. That's all. Visit his blog and you can make your own judgement.